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29 May 2008

SWiSHmax 2.0 Build 2007.11.02

SWiSHmax description
SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations
SWiSHmax is a program that was developed to be the most powerful Flash creation utility.

SWiSH Max is packed with features that make producing stunning interactive Flash animations a simple and painless experience. Here's just some of the features that make SWiSH Max so powerful.

Here are some key features of "SWiSHmax":

· Bundled with over 230 built-in effects.
· Effects make animations with text, images, graphics and sound simple and quick to produce.
· The ability to author and distribute your own effects.
· All effects can be added to multiple objects at once.

· No coding required! All interactivity can be added through a simple menu interface.
· Advanced scripting capabilities through SWiSHscript.
· Script editor which allows advanced user to enter scripts directly.
· Debugger that simplifies finding and fixing errors in your scripts.

Drawing Tools
· Advanced set of drawing tools provided including: Line, Pencil, Bezier, Text, Ellipse/Circle, Rectangle/Square and AutoShapes.
· Complex Shape editing options making it easy to modify your shapes.
· AutoShapes that make adding and editing complex shapes like 3D cubes a breeze.
· Guides, grids, and alignment tools.

User Interface
· A simple yet powerful interface means anyone can make stunning Flash animations in minutes.
· Objects, frames and effects can all be added, modified or deleted directly from the timeline.
· Managing movies, scenes and sprites made simple.

Import & Export
· Import SWF movies produced in any other Flash application.
· Simply import sounds, graphics and text files.
· SWiSH Max SWF movies can be imported into any other Flash application with ease.
· Advanced compression features help keep your SWF file sizes small.

Download SWiSHmax 2.0